Shifting Seasons ~ 21 Jun 2023

Happy Solstice! Whether winter or summer where you reside, the seasonal shift adds a different flavoring of spice to all efforts and life’s goings on.

First of all Saturn turned retrograde four days ago. While he remains retrograde until 4 November this falls into the category of “big whoop.” Don’t let this get in your way. Saturn moves in reverse about 36.5% percent of the time. That’s almost twice as long as Mercury is retrograde. Not a major disruptive force, nor does he intend to be.

Instead, Saturn applies his attention on work completed (or so one thinks) and work in progress. During his retrogradation it is common to discover something more that must be included in projects to ensure they make the most sense and fulfill the greatest need(s). Editing, culling, reviewing, retooling... all of that falls into the category of here’s something to consider while Saturn’s using the rearview camera to guide reconsidering movement. There’s another important component in play. Saturn is in Pisces. Should you be in the position to suggest to another person that they need to add more (which will feel monumental and overwhelming) to whatever they have going on, strive to ensure your comments do not blame or provoke reactions of guilt, shame and inadequacy. Instead, consider that a person may be amenable to accepting the charge of perfecting projects. Perhaps they have no idea how to do so. Consider offering several solutions as possibilities before pointing out what you and Saturn’s inspiration causes you to perceive as problematic. Leave inspiration and hopefulness in your wake.

Sedna now transits in the first few minutes of Gemini... the likes of this we’ve not seen for 12,000 years or so. Far more difficult a planet to ponder than tracing Pluto’s last time around the rink or even Eris’ double Pluto’s trek about the Sun. Let us consider Sedna by her perihelion in Cancer and node in Leo (both heliocentric). Sedna’s life priority is to secure ones mundane fate in the world. Take care of shelter, sustenance and emotional fostering first. With such life factors met or on the way of being fulfilled, then one can turn to soulful confidence building to serve the Leo agenda and titillate ones spirit.

Remember, too, that Sedna, while dismissing real world possibilities for care and providence, chose to run off with a bird man in human disguise. There she ended up in a dismal existence without the possibility of any level of life satisfaction. She willfully followed the bird man’s wooing. Her effort to step onto his kayak was a matter of her volition. The subsequent consequences, in fact, were of her choosing. Instead of the “you made this bed” reaction upon hearing ones lament about life circumstances, how about working with that soul to redefine needs and desires and add a level of priority, such that clear, conscious action in the interest of change and betterment of life conditions can result. As per Saturn retrograde, remember to preserve a person’s will to engage life in the fullest. It’s all about Geminian choice. If current circumstances do not rock your world in a good way, make conscious choices and assume redirected courses until fulfillment returns on the path of life.

Within these early minutes of Gemini, tomorrow Sedna will be joined in longitude by the former asteroid, now dwarf planet, Vesta. She is one of the Vestal Virgins charged with sustaining the fire in the sacred hearth. As a result, Vesta serves to spark the internal fire in ones base such that ideas, options and possibilities flick one’s personal lighter into full flame. Conscious combustion leads to consciousness completion.

To support Vesta, remember that Venus and Mars now transit the fire sign Leo, demanding personal confidence and demonstrated excellence in all actions taken. Remember that Chiron and Eris travel through the fires of Aries, carrying the flickering realization that clearly seeing and overcoming personal perceptions of inadequacy inspires healing and reduces sensations of exclusion.

In but a few days, on 24 June, the Sun in Cancer opposes Ixion in Capricorn. The short summation of “how do I make something good out of the Ixion lore” is when life offers a second chance, harness it and don’t blow it. Given the early degrees of the Cancer-Capricorn axis at the time of this transit, two realizations stand out. First, repeating ones personal history and bad choices as a means of introduction, condemns one to make decisions that reenforce the negativity in ones backstory. Stop repeating what was and grab a handful of bumper sticker axioms. Something as simple as “be like the Sun at midday” does the trick. Second, find your funny bone. A sense of humor is critical to insight. Sure some of the funny stuff is going to be ironic and weird. That’s the point. That’s the part that causes a person to be of good humor and avoid getting into any monkey business. A critical point here of Ixion in Capricorn... this must be a self-deprecation free-zone.

To set up the above transits, tomorrow Icarus retrogrades from Aquarius to Capricorn where he catches up with Pluto, also retrograde. Icarus is best known for flying too close to the Sun with his wax wings which melt with solar proximity. He plunges into the sea. So the obvious statements are, don’t be like a moth to the flame and find a comfortable cruising altitude. Do not exceed your personal flight ceiling. Sure fly as high as you can, but do a Goldilocks assessment. How high is not too high and not too low? Can this be achieved? Absolutely. Will there be an ongoing need for assessment of ones parameters for life pursuit? Totally. Will this have a Capricorn flavor? Yep. How much should you spend? Does the expenditure support desired outcomes? Can the results be guaranteed? Nope. But ones best intention and doubtless application of all life assets is the best one can do.

Will the road to hell be paved with good intentions? No, not necessarily. Jupiter rules expansion to the fullest. Saturn rules contraction that serves his perception of the needs of the time. Jupiter in Taurus tightly sextiles Saturn in Pisces currently. There is a balance of how large the hot air balloon can be filled to take flight and how much fire is required to sustain the balloon for a successful, exhilarating flight with perspective never seen while on the surface of the planet. How wonderfully lofty!

The transits are fraught with possibilities in the weeks and months ahead. Keeping the vehicle of transit fully buoyant and the fire in the belly igniting confidence (and not bombastic urges) and spreading light wins the day. With good humor and uplifted spirits, there’s a means of locating the realization of that was then, and this bears no resemblance to the previous then. The time portends a malleable molding of all skills and talents into an evocative presentation of life results with just the perfect amount of “ta-da” to honor the Leo influences.

More soon.

While things are good for the grabbing, is there a better time than now to sign up for a consultation or ongoing consultation support? A Galactic Report can offer insights to round out ones sense of personal attributes. Ask a question or two to fill in the blanks in life. And for those who wish to dive deeper on the informational plane, the Galactic Trilogy is good to go. Click on the links below and get yourself grooving on the wave of insight.